All About Ethanol

All About Ethanol

Spring cleaning is in full swing and it’s the perfect opportunity to rearrange and redecorate for a refreshing makeover. But spring cleaning shouldn't be restricted to just your home. Extend it beyond the boundaries of your personal living space and clean the home we all share—Earth. This year take a more proactive—and thoughtful—approach to your annual cleanup by making your gathering and entertaining space environmentally friendly. With the addition of an ethanol fueled fire feature, you can achieve a cozy living space all while working towards a more sustainable, green world.

Sustainable Fuel Source for the Future

EcoSmart Bio-Ethanol Fuel large and medium sized bottle
Opting for a renewable source of energy, like e-nrg Ethanol Fuel by EcoSmart Fire, makes the world a greener place.

Bioethanol fuel is an eco-friendly, clean-burning, renewable source of energy that is created from plant byproducts. While not designed as a primary source of heat, ethanol fueled fire features are great for displays. Sugar and starch components undergo a fermenting process, which allows it to turn into a liquid form—what is also commonly referred to as "pure alcohol". The main benefit of ethanol is that it doesn't emit smoke, sparks, or fumes like natural wood burning solids. Instead, it releases heat, steam, and carbon dioxide when burned. Plants then reabsorb and photosynthesize the carbon dioxide as food for growth and produce the oxygen we need. Now doesn't that sound pretty neat?

Fun fact: A country's agricultural strength can determine the type of plant used for making bioethanol. These include, but are not limited to: sugarcane, corn, rice, grapes, and potatoes.

Is Liquid Ethanol the Same as Gel Fuel?

EcoSmart Bio-Ethanol AB3 burner in use
The AB3 Bioethanol Burner by EcoSmart Fire makes it effortless to create the perfect ambient lighting.

No. And they should never be used interchangeably for one another. While both fuel options are eco-friendly, there are some key differences.

  • 1. They don't have the same uses. Gel fuel is specially designed for certain products that are meant to utilize a gel fueled canister. Liquid ethanol fuel should never be poured into an empty gel fueled canister. Instead, liquid ethanol is exclusively intended for being poured into a compatible bioethanol burner reservoir.
  • 2. They are not made up of the same ingredients. Liquid ethanol derives solely from plant byproducts and is pure alcohol. Gel fuel, on the other hand, is made from isopropyl alcohol and contain additional additives and thickening agents.
  • 3. They do not produce the same dancing flame. Liquid ethanol produces a thinner yet, more powerful and vibrant orange flame whereas gel fuel produces a thicker yet, smaller and slower yellow flame. If you're looking for maximum leisure time without the fuss of crackling noises in the background, liquid ethanol offers a serene silence for all your relaxation needs.
  • 4. They do not offer the same flame regulation. Taking into consideration that a standard gel fuel can is about 13 ounces, there's not much ability to control the flame as it is relatively small. Liquid ethanol, conversely, does offer the freedom to regulate the flame to suit your desired ambiance by adjusting the burner reservoir's lid opening.
  • 5. They do not have the same flame life expectancy. The flame life is much more durable and enduring for liquid ethanol. For instance, a standard gel fuel canister usually burns from an hour to two and a half hours. A liquid ethanol fire feature, in contrast, can burn anywhere from 2-15 hours! Take, for instance, the EcoSmart Fire AB3 Bioethanol Burner—which has one of the smallest sized burner reservoirs. It has the capacity of holding 2.5 liters of fuel and has an impressive burn time of 8-11 hours.

With some of the differences between liquid ethanol and gel fuel cleared up, let's take a look at some of varying types of liquid ethanol compatible fire features that can transform your living space.

The Simplicity of an Open Fire, But Without the Mess

EcoSmart Bio-Ethanol AB3 burner in use
Flo Outdoor Fire Pit by Brown Jordan FiresWith the Flo Outdoor Fire Pit by Brown Jordan Fires, you get the same fiery filled atmosphere as you would with a standard wood burning fire pit.

If you're a fan of lounging outdoors, brands such as EcoSmart Fire and Brown Jordan Fires make it possible to enjoy an open fire as you would with a traditional wood burning fire pit or fire table. Achieve the same satisfying and relaxing ambiance without the need to worry about harmful pollutants, ash, or the sooty mess commonly associated with its wood burning counterparts. When it comes to ethanol fuel, you can still relish a vibrant, orange dancing flame.

"Warming Hearths" with Ethanol Fueled Inserts and Fireboxes

EcoSmart Firebox Insert, fire pit outdoors
Minimize your carbon footprint with the 1200SS Firebox Insert by EcoSmart Fire.

Ethanol fueled fireplace inserts also make wonderful focal points to indoor or outdoor spaces. EcoSmart offers a series of vent-free fireboxes and inserts that can be recessed into an open wall or cabinet for a seamless integration. You can select from the traditional single sided firebox or connect your outdoor living space to your indoor living space with a peninsula or double sided firebox acting as a center divider. The best parts about vent-free fireplace inserts are that they don't require a chimney, flue, nor a gas or electrical connection in order to install them.

Convert Your Pre-Existing Wood Burning or Gas Fireplace

EcoSmart Scope 700 Bioethanol Fireplace Grate outdoors
Easily convert your pre-existing wood burning or gas fireplace with a Scope Bioethanol Fireplace Grate by EcoSmart Fire.

EcoSmart Fire also offers fireplace grates that make it possible to convert your pre-existing wood burning or gas fireplace into a liquid ethanol fueled one. The innovative, contemporary design offers an efficient and clean burn. If you have a pre-existing gas fireplace, it's important to ensure that the gas line is completely shut off prior to using an ethanol fueled fireplace grate.

Accents to Transform the Room

Lumen outdoor fire pits by Brown Jordan Fires
Subtle changes made to our homes, like with the Lumen Outdoor Fire Pit, can make a huge and positive impact.

If you’re not looking for a complete makeover, decorative and cosmetic accents can go a long way. From the Lumen Outdoor Fire Pit by Brown Jordan Fires to the Anywhere Fireplace tabletop fireplaces, making your residential or commercial space a little cozier, while reducing your carbon footprint, can feel like a small task, but a huge achievement.

But it's important to note that being a participant of "going green" doesn't mean having a home devoid of comfort. You can make a conscious effort and decision while still accomplishing that very dream space you've always desired. If you're still unsure which type of fire feature is right for you, you can send a message via the live chat, fill out a contact form, or simply give us a call at (866) 578-8538. We're certain there's something to suit everyone's needs.

Main Image: Scope Bioethanol Fireplace Grate by EcoSmart Fire.


Stephany Phimmasouk