From the Experts

Calculate How Much Fire Glass You Need

Jul 28, 2016 1-minute read
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Calculate How Much Fire Glass You Need | Starfire Direct


When you purchase an outdoor gas fireplace or fire pit, there is no better element to add than fire glass. In addition to providing stunning visuals in your yard, fire glass is a useful and practical material that allows you to get the most out of your new pit. Fire Glass is made specifically to handle high temperatures and comes in a variety of styles and colors. How do you figure out how much you need to purchase in order to fill your pit?

It is important to start by measuring the dimensions of your fire area in inches. For fireplaces, you want to know the front and back width as well as the depth. To calculate for a round fire pit, you must know its diameter, while a 4-sided pit requires the length and width. Using a fire glass calculator allows you to then find the approximate amount of fire glass needed to give your fire feature a new, fresh look.


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