Backyard Fire Pits from Starfire Direct

Fire Pits for Your Backyard

Having a backyard fire pit is a wonderful way to boost the overall enjoyment factor that your backyard already has, and is a wonderful means of entertaining friends and family. When done properly, a fire pit is one of the most secure and clean ways to enjoy the good outdoors, especially at night looking up at the star-filled night sky. There’s really nothing better for enjoying a camp fire like ambiance than a quality fire pit.

Fire pits are also a wonderful motivation for spending more time outside. These days we all seem to spend more and more time indoors, and a custom fire pit is a wonderful way to help shift the balance back. No matter what size of backyard you may have, there’s an outdoor fire pit solution that will fit perfectly and give you the inviting environment and atmosphere you’re looking for.

With a wide variety of styles and designs, you can add a touch of class with copper or cast iron. Most copper fire pits are made from cast iron, but have copper plating added. The copper pits may cost a bit more, but their quality is typically much higher than the cast iron, not to mention the admiring glances you’ll receive from friends and family.

No matter what kind of budget you’re on, there’s a fire place solution to fit. Plan on using the fire pit on a balcony or patio? Then a gas fire pit is your best bet. The safety factor that comes along with it will give you the peace of mind you deserve while delivering the comfort and warmth you’re looking for. There’s a wide ranges of sizes, and with them prices, to fit your budget, whether it’s small or rather flexible.

Backyard fire pits are a wonderful addition to any home. Why not check out the selection we have, we’re pretty sure you’ll find the best addition to your home at the price you’re looking for.


Starfire Direct

The talented and knowledgeable staff of Starfire Direct pride themselves on being experts in the field of fire features, outdoor living, and beyond. Always at the forefront of upcoming trends and industry breakthroughs, the team at SD is ready and willing to help you make your dream space a reality, once piece at a time. Our business is helping you to Reignite Your Life.